Where do those fruit flies come from?

2018-04-25T09:48:51+00:0030 November 2017|

Fruit flies are a difficult one. They are not so much attracted by the waste in the box, but come from eggs that were already present on the peel before you threw them into the bowl. Maybe you brought them from the supermarket, because it takes seven days before the eggs come out. Other insects [...]

Can I put my VentiMax® in a drawer or slide?

2018-04-25T09:55:45+00:0030 November 2017|

Yes, no problem. As long as there is sufficient ventilation. And you must realize that the more moisture there is in the bag the more airflow around the VentiMax® must be in order to drain the "exhaled" moisture. Otherwise you will still get condensation and moisture drops in the bucket.

Why do I see drops at the bottom of my VentiMax®?

2018-04-25T09:52:48+00:0030 November 2017|

If the "breathing" effect is disturbed, you can still get condensation. This is possible because the contents of the bag contain a lot of moisture (eg rot fruit) and / or because the air flow around the bucket is too weak. The latter can be the case if you place the filled bucket in a [...]

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